пятница, 27 марта 2015 г.

Tag questions

Tag questions - вопросы "с хвостиком"

Что такое Tag questions?

Tag questions  - это когда повествовательное утверждение становится вопросительным при помощи прибавления «Хвостика» (a tag), который при переводе будет звучать «не так ли?»

Как образуются Tag questions?

Есть простое правило:
  • если в главном (повествовательном) предложении глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, то "хвостик" ставим положительный, и наоборот: если в главное - положительное, то "хвостик" — в отрицании. Мы называем это правилом "батарейки".

He is at school, isn't he?
  • если подлежащее выражено существительным, то в "хвостике" мы заменяем его на местоимение.
Peter doesn't go to school, does he?
  • отрицание в "хвостике" в том же времени, в каком стоит главное предложение. Обрати внимание, что в хвостике мы используем только вспомогательные глаголы.

He is watching TV, isn't he?

She played the guitar, didn't she? 
They will go to the cinema, won't they?
Your parents haven't bought a new car, have they?

Future Simple

Past Continuous

Past Simple

Present Perfect

Present Continuous

to be

четверг, 26 марта 2015 г.

Shopping for food

In this project you are to speak about shopping in the past and about the shopping in your family.

An example of what your topic can be:

Shopping for food

Nowadays most people do their shopping at the supermarkets. However, some time ago there used to be few supermarkets, and customers used to buy their food in small shops. First I will tell you a story about the past, then – about my own shopping expedition.
Well, a story of a woman at the butcher’s shop. One day Mary took her shopping list and went to the butcher’s. She said: “Hello! Two pounds of sausages, please, and some best pork.” The butcher cut off some sausages and wrapped them first in white and then in brown paper. Then he said: “And I have a very nice piece of pork here. Have a look.”
“That looks very good. How much is it?”
“Well, four pounds. So, that comes to eight pounds with the sausages. Is that all right?”
“Yes, thank you.”
“Anything else?” the butcher said hopefully.
“Not today. Thank you very much.”
The man tied up the parcel and gave it to Mary.
 [можно вставить еще, чтобы было слово “change”]

This is what shopping was like before. Now I will tell you what shopping is like in my family. My mother, father and I usually go to supermarket [NAME]. First, we visit greengrocer’s department where we usually choose a kilo of red apples, half a kilo of fresh tomatoes, a small container of green vegetables, etc. Then we walk to the dairy department and take a bottle of milk, a carton of sour cream, four or six cartons of yoghurt, a piece of cheese and … . After that we go to … . Finally, we visit … .
After we have chosen everything what we need, we pay for the food and go home.


Popular British Sports

In this project you are to speak about sports popular in Britain and to give the details of one of them.

Talking about a sport:

The name of the sport.
Is it an individual or a team sport? How many members are there in a team?
What do the sportsmen do? What is the aim of the game? Who is the winner?
Where do they do this sport?
What equipment is needed? 
How long have you been going in for this sport?
Have you taken part in competitions?
What are your results?

Health and Body Care

In this project you are to speak about healthy lifestyle: healthy food and doing exercises, about illnesses, medicine and doctors.

Health and Body Care

        1.   с. 71,  c47 №19 – здоровый образ жизни, что мы должны делать, чтобы быть в форме.
       2.    с. 59-60 – что делать, если ты заболел
лексика по теме болезни
осмотр врача, что он делает
как выполнять указания врача, принимать лекарства

Nowadays people want to be strong and healthy.  I think that healthy lifestyle is very important and I would like to tell you about some good rules to keep fit. After that I will tell you what to do if you have fallen ill.

Think what you eat and try to eat mostly healthy food. What food is thought to be good for health? First of all, it is fruit and vegetables. They have a lot of vitamins [‘vaitэmins]. Vegetables are really delicious if they are eaten (cooked) as salads.  Dairy products are also the right food. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, cottage cheese, cream and sour cream can help you grow and be in good shape. Meat is full of vitamins and other good things (proteins), too.
Some food is not healthy and you should try to eat it as little as possible. For example, fried food, fat food and sweet food. Eating a lot of sweets and chocolate is harmful for your teeth.
Doing some physical exercises is also good for your health.

Looking after yourself is also important.

 Unfortunately, people can fall ill. If you are in a foreign country, and you don’t feel well, it’s very important to explain about your illness in English. Here is what can be wrong. You can have a sore throat. ……..

I want to tell you what doctor does when he or she comes to the patient. It will help you when you are abroad (за границей).  …….

The Queen and The Parliament

In this project you are to speak about the political system of The United Kingdom.

The United Kingdom

In this project you are to speak about The UK, its geography, countries, main cities, people and flag.

The United Kingdom

    1. Introduction.
I will tell you about the geographical setting of the UK, about its parts, about people, about the flag and about languages spoken in the UK. (Порядок такой, как у вас в плане).
    2. Geographical setting
    3. Four parts of the UK
Назвать все части, а потом о каждой по плану:
the name of the country
the capital
people: their nationality

    4. How many people? Cities, countryside, … .
    5. The flag
    6. Conclusion

The Earth is in Danger

In this project you are to speak about our fragile planet.

The Earth is in Danger

     1. Introduction.
I would like to tell you why our planet is in danger. The most serious environmental problems are
·         pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution and nuclear pollution);
·         noise problems;
·         destruction of nature
·         shortage of natural resources;
·         the growth of population
I will tell you about some problems and how people can solve them.
     2. Dirty water
One of the most serious problems is water pollution.
вода грязная
почему она грязная
свой пример сложной ситуации
     3. Dirty air
The other serious problem which I want to tell you about is air pollution. (насколько слов про фабрики и заводы)
    (4. Some other difficult situations – по желанию)
     5. How to solve the problems

     6. Conclusion

Animals in Danger

In this project you are to speak about animals and plants. Give the examples of endangered and extinct species, speak about the way to protect animals, speak about The Red Book.