четверг, 28 апреля 2016 г.

List of Topics

Topic 1: Jobs

Topic 2: Extreme Sports

Topic 3: The internet in people’s life

Topic 4: Possible Results of Global Warming 

Topic 5 Active Holidays

Topic 6: Personal Problems

Topic 7: Different People, Different Habits

Topic 8: Learning Abroad

Topic 9: Crime and Community

Topic 10: Agatha Christie

Topic 9: Crime and Community

Everyone wants to live in a well-developed cultural society. Unfortunately, I can’t say that there is no crime in our life. In this speech I’ll tell you about different types of crimes and about people who fight against them.
1.        Types of crime. Short description of them. p.97 ex.1
2.        Crime fighters
There is a number of jobs related to fighting crime. For example, a shop detective is employed by a shop to catch shoplifters. … p.100 ex.1
3.        How does a forensic scientist work? – text p.100
I want to tell you about a person who works as a forensic scientist and helps to solve horrible crimes. His name is Ben Langdon.
What does he specialise in?
An example of his work during one case.
What equipment does he use?
Why does he like his job?


вторник, 29 марта 2016 г.

Project 8: Studying Abroad

1. Introduction

2.    Is it a good idea to study abroad? - 5h p.91
Выучить сочинение

3.    An example of a person who studied abroad - 5b p.82-83
I want to tell you about a person who studied abroad. It’s my friend Steven who studied in Mexico. At first it was not easy for him to live in a foreign country, he even experiences some cultural shock. For example, … ПРИМЕР .
 Later Steven got used (привык) to life in Mexico, he became more self-confident, patient and outgoing, besides his Spanish improved greatly.

4. Conclusion (What do you feel about learning abroad?)

среда, 2 марта 2016 г.

Project 7: Different People, Different Habits

1. Introduction

Different people have different style of behaviour which depends on personal characteristics
and social etiquette [‘etiket] in different countries. First I’ll tell you about social norms of
behaviour, and then about personal habits.

2. Some examples of Social Etiquette in the UK (5c p.84)

Since every country has its own set of dos and don’ts, it’s worthwhile [стоящий] to know
what it means to be polite while visiting a foreign country. If you have no idea about social
norms of behaviour, you can experience a kind of culture shock while living abroad. I will
tell you about some examples of social etiquette in the UK.  … ПРИМЕРЫ …

3. Personal habits. How annoying! (5a p.80, ex.1)

Apart from social etiquette, each person has his or her own habits. Unfortunately, some of
them may be annoying. The types of behavior which I dislike most of all are the following: It
really annoys me when … . I can’t stand it when … . I also hate it when … .

4. Complaining and apologising  (5d p.82, WB 5d p.46)

It’s very important to know how to complain politely about somebody’s misbehaviour. For
instance, if your neighbour plays loud music, you can talk to him like that:

ДИАЛОГ p.82 ex.2 (можно взять пример из рабочей тетради, или сочинить свой)

5. Conclusion

I’m sure, if you know social etiquette and have polite personal habits, your life will be easier.
As for me, I always try to behave politely. (можно придумать свое заключение)

понедельник, 29 февраля 2016 г.

Present Perfect Continuous

Когда используется Present Perfect Continuous:
  1. Present Perfect Continuous используется для передачи действия, которое началось в прошлом, длилось некоторое время и продолжает совершаться в настоящем. 
She has been cooking dinner for three hours already. – Она готовит ужин уже три часа. (все это время она готовила и пока что не закончила, продолжает готовить)

I have been reading this book since the beginning of summer. – Я читаю эту книгу с начала лета. (прочел какую-то часть, но еще не закончил, продолжаю читать)

      2. Present Perfect Continuous используется для передачи длительного действия в прошлом, которое закончилось непосредственно перед моментом речи, и результат этого действия оказывает влияние на настоящее

The streets are wet. It has been raining all the morning. – На улице мокро. Все утро шел дождь.

We are very tired because we have been walking in the mountains since early morning. – Мы очень устали, так как гуляли в горах с раннего утра.

Время Present Perfect Continuous, как правило, не употребляется с глаголами состояния. В этом случае вместо него используется время Present Perfect.

Глаголы состояния передают состояния, чувства, отношения, умственные процессы и другие характеристики предмета. 

Например: to haveto love, to hateto remember, to forgetto understand, to believe, to look, to feel, to hear, to see, to know и т.д.

четверг, 18 февраля 2016 г.

Project 6: Personal Problems

1. Introduction

Usually teenagers are lively people, but, unfortunately, we can’t say that our life is bright all the time. Sometimes we may have problems or get into difficult situations. I’ll tell you about some of them and try to suggest some solutions.

2.    Examples of people who have problems. Your suggestion what to do. (SB: p.72, ex.1, 4)

Sandra needs money. I think she could get a part-time job.
Fred’s parents are too strict and they are always arguing. Why doesn’t he talk it through (обсудить подробно) and make compromises.

3.    An example of your/your friend’s problem. How did you/tour friend cope with it? (SB: p.72, ex.3 (берем из аудирования))

4.    Exam Stress (SB p.73 учим эссе)
One of difficult situations which many teenagers may encounter is exam stress. I’ll try to tell you how it is possible to deal with it.

5. Conclusion

Текст аудирования с.72 №2

понедельник, 11 января 2016 г.

Project 5: Active Holidays

Active Holidays

Если получается очень много, то убираем пункт 1


While some people are fond of sightseeing or beach holidays, others prefer outdoor types of
activities, such as hiking, … (назвать несколько примеров с.46). 

1. A weird activity

 I’ll tell you in brief about some of them. I think that the most weird but extremely exciting
activity is … .  (Описать что-то одно с.46)

2. The Appalachian Trail

Not all people choose a weird thing to do. One of more usual but really poplar active holidays is the Appalachian Trail. It is for people who like to hike through some of the most stunning scenery in North America.

a) What is it?
b) What can you see?
c) Where can you stay?
d) What camping equipment do you need to make this tour? What for do you use each item?
(p.52 ex.1)

3. Getting information about a tour

If you find an advertisement about a tour, you can write a letter and find out some more
information. It goes like this: (Письмо с.55)


As for me, I rather like … holidays. And what type of rest do you prefer?